Resonate with GVS
From the start in 2012, GVS has been conceived as a world-class (meaning: for the greatest good of the world) organisation/ community.
GVS’ heartbeat & soul
Essentially, GVS is aligned with the only paradigm shift that really does matter: the shift from HAVE to BE, the shift towards the quality of BEING in life, the shift from making the difference to BEING the difference!
GVS’ calling
Manifest a new and innovative societal model of living together (and not against one another). A societal model that opens the door of/into a new ERA, era literally meaning Ethically Responsible Action.
The excellent news: this paradigm shift is as easy as you can get: learning by doing…being by sharing…loving by shining!
What’s pivotal here
First, be fully aware of our common future and look at it with new eyes.
Second, go beyond: grasp the big picture not only on a purely rational level. Instead, perceive, live, and embody the global vision, and act on it.
Third, look at the world, nature, and one another in a novel way. And listen more and in a more compassionate way to your fellow humans.
Basically, it’s a shift in attunement.
Do you resonate with it too?
The unique added value: a genuine rebirth, regeneration, rejuvenation, and re-enchantment of ourselves and nature.
Deep inside of you, confronted only with yourself, do you really think this is just a naive, illusionary, impossible lofty dream?
Think again.
And the excellent news
This ground current continues to surface, grow, and expand.
Invite you to the live this magical journey – together, and act on it –together.
Provide you with a global spiritual platform of sharing, being, and acting.
Let’s depart on this journey, all of us – together, shall we?
Yet, for this life-enriching common experience to happen around the globe, the only thing still and badly needed: a global conviction and determination, a global will, a global goodwill, a global vision, and global action!
Let’s answer YES (Yield Engage Share) to the question: do we really and wholeheartedly want this, all of us – together?
Roll out its global project for the greatest good of humanity with a local and globally support as broad as possible and in co-creative partnership with both the (financial) backing of major policy-making authorities, influential foundations, leading national and international think thanks, pioneering entrepreneurs, change making citizen participations, and responsible, prospective, and forward-looking positive media.
So, what are we waiting for?
Let’s make it happen!
Let’s just do it, all of us – together.
Let’s share, shine, be, and act – together.