Message from the Founding President and CEO Andras Laszlo
Vivimos una época cuanto menos extraordinaria.
No se trata de un ciclo, no, sino de una mutación real, de una transición, de una verdadera transformación.
El mundo arde, va a la deriva sacudido en lo más profundo de sus entrañas, de su alma. El mundo está al borde de la implosión, de la desaparición.
¿Y los pueblos que ocupan esta tierra?
¿Qué sienten?
Seguramente viven hoy la crisis interna más dramática de su vida: la crisis completa del espíritu y del alma. Todos suspiran y languidecen desesperadamente por una vida llena de sentido, de calor humano, de dignidad.
Sin embargo el juego sigue llamándose Productividad, Dinero, Resultado y Beneficio.
Cuatro males alimentados por cuatro plagas: Miedo, Frustración, Fracaso y Mentira.
¿Y dónde están los valores auténticos? ¿La Familia, la Amistad, la Abundancia y la Alegría?
Democracia, cambio, sostenibilidad, excelencia, espiritualidad, ciudadanía, comunicación, incluso amor… palabras todas ellas baladíes y sin un verdadero sentido. El mundo sigue dominado por el miedo, el egoísmo, la codicia, la exclusión y la hipocresía.
La Humanidad ha organizado su propia extinción en nombre del beneficio y del mercado libre dejando los valores sociales reducidos al puro materialismo y al consumo desenfrenado. El poder del dinero reina sin ambages en las sociedades que se dicen libres.
La pregunta es ¿a dónde vamos?
¿A dónde va Europa? ¿Y el mundo? ¿Y nuestro precioso planeta azul?
El mundo necesita desesperadamente un sueño nuevo, un futuro nuevo, un proyecto mundial nuevo.
La deshumanización de la sociedad debe acabar y dejar que se instale un nuevo espíritu mundial.
GlobalVisionSharing.com, GVS propone una solución única y llena de oportunidades: una plataforma espiritual mundial de excelencia sostenible. Un reto, cierto, pero también una necesidad urgente.
Como decía tan acertadamente Margaret Mead:
“No duden nunca de que un grupo de personas comprometidas y decididas puede cambiar el mundo. Porque lo harán.”
GlobalVisionSharing.com, GVS quiere ser una plataforma mundial en la que compartir la emergencia creativa cultural.
Una plataforma que permita a los agentes del cambio, sea cual sea su camino en la vida, reunirse y compartir su manera de ver el futuro de nuestro maravilloso planeta e inspirar a todos para que se conviertan a su vez en agentes del cambio.
GlobalVisionSharing.com, GVS invita a todos a sentir, a pensar y a actuar de otra manera; a trabajar juntos y unir fuerzas considerando la diversidad como una oportunidad porque todos somos responsables de nosotros mismos y de mucho más.
Ha llegado el momento de dejar de lado nuestros hábitos y costumbres, de encontrar y apoyar una vía nueva que considere nuevos mapas mentales como ejes a partir de los cuales restaurar todo lo que el espíritu humano ha perdido: la capacidad de sorprenderse, de vivir los misterios, el arte, la música, el amor y la compasión y llegar así a dar a la vida un sentido supremo.
La pasión, la motivación y el compromiso de GlobalVisionSharing.com, GVS nos llevarán a aceptar el reto y a hacer realidad las expectativas de tanta gente, jóvenes y menos jóvenes, en el mundo.
Y a poner en marcha un verdadero cambio.
Soñemos juntos porque el sueño de uno sólo es eso, un sueño. Por el contrario, el sueño de muchos es el principio de una nueva realidad. Una nueva realidad que comienza con y en cada uno de nosotros. Puesto que nosotros seremos quienes marquemos la diferencia.
András László (1954) is a philologist, philosopher, translator/interpreter, journalist, musician (violinist), manager/consultant, concert organizer, and international conferences moderator.
In 1976, he got his MA at the Catholic University of Louvain on a fairy tale/opera of Hugo von Hofmannsthal/Richard Strauss Die Frau ohne Schatten – Die Zeitproblematik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Figuren Kaiserin und Kaiser. After his postgraduate studies (philosophy, psychology and sociology) in Germany (Münster,Bonn, Marbach amNeckar), Yugoslavia (Dubrovnik) and France (Paris) over a period of 6 years, he started his active work as a free-lance journalist and a translator/interpreter.
As a translator/interpreter (Dutch, French, Hungarian, English and German), he worked for the American Embassy, Interbrew, Motorola, Texaco, Bandag, and many other multinationals.
As a professional (simultaneous and consecutive) conference interpreter (NL/HU/EN/FR/DE), he has been working since 1999 for more than 30 multinationals throughout Europe.
As a consultant to Belgian companies wanting to integrate the Hungarian market, he worked for Interbrew, Marlux, ABB Insurance Company, Berlitz, UCB, Lafarge Coppée…
In 1993-1994, he was a Sales Representative for the Belgian N° 1 Tile Company Marlux in Hungary.
From 1993 to 1997, he acted as Deputy to the President of the Club of Budapest and gained expertise in the organization of international conferences, colloquia and concerts (Budapest, Brussels, Paris, Strasbourg, Frankfurt).
From 1997 to 1998, he was appointed Vice-President and Managing Director of the Club of Budapest Foundation.
He was honored and fortunate to work with so many outstanding visionary icons: Ervin Laszlo (President of CoB), H.H; The XIVth Dalai Lama, Maurice Béjart, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Riane Eisler, Rivka Golani, Jane Goodall, H.E. Vaclav Havel, Hazel Henderson, H. E. Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Miklós Jancsó, Gidon Kremer, Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi, Zubin Mehta, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Robert Muller, Edgar Morin, H.E. Karan Singh, Peter Russell, Sir Georg Solti, Sir Edmund Sternberg, Liv Ullmann, Sir Peter Ustinov, Elie Wiesel, Betty Williams, Muhammed Yunus, to name but a few Honorary Members of the CoB.
As a lecturer, cultural bridge-builder and game changer, he particularly focuses on the synergies between spirituality and management.
From 1999 to 2001, he studied management at the International School of Management ENPC in Paris where he prepared an MBA thesis on Spirituality and Business – a New Paradigm for Management in the 3rd Millennium.
He worked as a free-lance journalist for the economic weekly Trends and Trends tendances where he covered management issues.
He is a Member of The European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg (Austria) (http://www.euro-acad.eu); Founding fellow of the Global Collaborators’ Alliance (GCA, US); Senior Fellow of the Global Dialogue Institute, Haverford (US) (http://www.globaldialogueinstitute.org); The Institute for Human Economics, Maine (US) (http://www.humaneconomics.org); The Europe of Cultures Forum (BE), The Flemish Association of Professional Journalists (Vlaamse Vereniging van Beroepsjournalisten – VVJ) (https://journalist.be); EBBF (European Baha’í Business Forum – http://www.ebbf.org); The Club of Rome Brussels-EU Chapter (http://www.clubofrome.eu), Associate Fellow of the World Academy for Art and Science (www.worldacademy.org). Member of The Friends of Hungary Foundation/Magyarország Barátai Alapítvány (https://friendsofhungary.hu.
He is Director International Affairs of the Hungarian Institute for Strategic Research (http://www.strategiakutato.hu) and was the Hungarian National Coordinator of the NewPOL Network (http://www.imnrc.org).
His assets and added value as a moderator of (national & international) conferences: he is an excellent listener, has an outstanding fluency in EN/FR/DE/NL/HU, and is a co-creative dialogue facilitator.
As President and CEO of GlobalVisionSharing.com (GVS) – www.globalvisionsharing.com,* his passion, drive and commitment is to (co-)create a challenging, yet timely and most urgently needed Global Spiritual Platform of Sustainable Excellence. The Mission of GlobalVisionSharing.com: Spiritual Transformation in Life and Living, STILL .
STB = Spiritual Transformation in Business (STB) – Exploring the meaning, the advantage and the unique added value of spirituality for leadership and innovation in organizations not only constitutes the flagship product of GVS Portfolio of most challenging and innovative products & services, it is also designed to launch a global co-creative platform/movement, and invite to concrete value-driven, spiritually inspired action!
From the outset, GVS has been dedicated to take CSR to a next level: CSR= Corporate Spiritual Responsibility. GVS will be introducing the missing link: the spiritual approach. GVS will be inviting today’s businesses to challenge their business models, to re-invent their organizations so as to being in sync with the ever increasing complexities and challenges in our societies. GVS Corporate Spiritual Responsibility is accessing a whole new range of corporate responsibilities by widening and deepening the perspective to a spiritual one.
GVS is dedicated go well beyond the 3 p’s (people, planet, and profit) so as to align the 13 p’s: presence, passion, patience, people, planet, profit, perception, perseverance, purposefulness, prosperity, pleasure, praise, and peace.
As a leader/manager, his main focus is to introduce, facilitate and consolidate Spiritual Leadership to/in all levels of management (top-, middle- and the work floor).
Last but not least, he has positioned himself as a successful, internationally highly sought after motivational, transformational speaker.
Andras Laszlo is preparing a number of articles (to be published as of fall 2019/2020) as well as the following five forthcoming books:
- Personal Development 5.0: Spiritual Transformation – A New Co-creative Narrative Of/ For Humanity
- The Ultimate ROI of Spiritual Leadership in/for the 21th Century
- Female Leadership
- Spiritual Transformation through Music
- From Personal Development To Spiritual Attunement, Fulfillment and Gratification
As a concert organizer, he is particularly grateful and proud to have organized his 4th concert as a tribute to his late father André László: Festive Commemorative Centennial Concert on April 28, at de Werf, Aalst:
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